Criminal Defense
Having a criminal record will significantly affect your life from that point onwards, be it an insignificant crime or a more serious crime, the effect can be long lasting. The good news is that here in Georgia our firm has a strong record of helping our clients through many challenging criminal defense matters successfully, both through pre-trial diversion proceedings as well as complete dismissals of charges.
As experienced Atlanta based lawyers, we cannot over stress the importance of working with a seasoned criminal lawyer who has local experience and is well regarded in the profession. Our team takes all criminal defense matters extremely seriously and follows a rigorous process to ensure that no one’s life is left in the hands of Georgia’s criminal justice system without putting up a formidable fight.
If you have been accused of a crime be it drug related, theft, or any other serious offense, you need a team that has handled it all before, we are here to help you. Reach out to us today and let’s have a chat before it’s too late.